
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

PublishAmerica list of court actions

Here is what we found:

Take note of the above court actions. The following letter was sent to a PublishAmerica author who contacted this publisher trying to get out of his contract.

You made us laugh today! Actually, our reputation is stellar! We have been growing, for 12 years! We have 57,000 titles under contract. And THOUSANDS of the authors keep telling the world how happy they are: Over 4,000 now, unsolicited. That, of course, is the real story. What you say is simply, plainly, false. Nothing is misleading at all, as any attorney will tell you. Hundreds of attorneys have signed on themselves as authors, in fact.

Oh, and all those anonymous posts you see online, most often from people who have never had any connection to PublishAmerica: all lies and half-lies. If even ten pct of it were true, PublishAmerica would have been out of business a long time ago, and its principals in jail. We're in the process of dragging the most glaring perpetrators to court, just as we describe below.

Author-" I know your company is in TWO legal litigation proceedings regarding the nature of your contracts."

No, you do not "know" any such thing, because it is false. Here's some info on a true one: You have apparently read some very old false statements on the internet. You may be interested to know what happened to someone else who made false statements about PublishAmerica. The one-man "leader" of the one-man, widely-mocked, Preditors & Editors "organization" lost credibility long ago, and was recently sued by PublishAmerica's attorney. He falsely accused PublishAmerica and its attorney of numerous unethical and illegal activities. He was served a summons to attend trial and testify, and a judgement was entered by a jury. What he said was found to be simply, plainly, false and malicious, and the jury rejected his testimony. He was ordered to pay $53,000 in damages, and his paychecks are being garnished.

A man of substance would send us a prompt apology.

1 comment:

  1. PublishAmerica told this author some half truths here. PublishAmerica has no reason to tell their authors about this court case because it did not involve PA. This was a personal lawsuit filed against Dave Kuzminski by attorney Victor Cretella over comments Dave made about Mr. Cretella on a message board. Mr. Cretella did not represent himself all the way through that litigation. Why does PA make the assumption that he even read anything on P & E when he complained to PA?


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