
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My dear publisher I need 400 copies at a discount

It looks though PublishAmerica's greatest cheerleader is experiencing some problems. Orlando doesn't seem to know that he isn't going to get PA to print 400 books for anyone except  an author who pays for the books in advance. This looks like his university is interested in buying some copies that students would be required to purchase from the university book store. There is no way that the University is going to pay full retail (PA's full retail) for these books because they would have to ask the students to pay a few dollars more per copy just to break even.
Dear PublishAmerica, This is Orlando Ferrand. I'm one of your very thankful writers. I'd like to give you heads up about my book, chosen by the City University of New York as the Book of the Semester Project. Hostos Community College of the City University of New York is starting to inquire about the price of my book "Apologia: Cuban Childhood in My Backpack", which was sent back to your printers... last week, after Tom and I worked on some corrections through the Changes to a Book in Print package. Professor Robert F. Cohen, the head of the Department of Language and Cognition, sent out a letter to Bryan yesterday. Could you please help me follow up with this matter? They are buying it in bulk, and would love to have it as soon as it comes out from the printers. All the details about this project are in the letter sent to Bryan. Thank you, my dear publisher, for rushing this project to the printers! And Tom, you are awesome. You did a wonderful job interpreting those corrections! Bryan, help me out here, you are the man! They want a good price for 400 copies and would like to have them by the first week of March, if possible.

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