
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PublishAmerica Protest

We want to thank those who sent us anonymous information regarding these PublishAmerica "conventions". The last one was held at the Hagley Library in Delaware. The next one will be taking place in Asheville North Carolina on Saturday March 24th, from 9am to 7pm. By that time those authors who purchased various "services" offered by PublishAmerica will have gotten their royalty statements reflecting zero books sold. They will want answers. Many authors that we have heard from have been wanting answers for quite some time now and are frustrated with PublishAmerica's new system that demands their authors use the contact form on their website for all inquiries. Authors have said and sent us proof in the form of snide email responses stating that these submissions have all been deleted. It should be clear to all that emails, angry blog posts are not effective.

Well, the staff at PublishAmerica is in fact making themselves publically available at these conventions. While they are charging authors to register, these are held at public places like Hagley and the next one in Asheville North Carolina at the Hilton Hotel at Biltmore Park. About a dozen or so authors are organizing peaceful protests that will take place at the site of the future PublishAmerica conventions.

So far we have 12 authors committed to attending convention to protest their grievance between authors and PublishAmerica. We hope to have at least 50 by the day of the convention. This should be your standard protest. Signs and lettering will be provided by the organizers to state your grievances.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I will be there. Authors who cannot attend these conventions because it may be too far for some to travel, should consider organizing their own demonstration at future conventions that may be closer to them PA announces their planned conventions at

  2. I notice that they are charging a registration fee to their authors of $29.00. The price is 49.00 for friends and family of the authors and 49.00 for "Non-publishamerica authors" Nobody but PA authors would be interested anyway. That does not include space in their booth. That will cost you extra. But it is free to show up at the hotel to participate in the protest. Authors, do something more meaningful than just complain on the Internet. Take action.


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