
Friday, April 20, 2012

PublishAmerica Authors convention Orlando Florida

Here is today's funnies from the PublishAmerica Facebook page. This author asked this question last Wednesday and PA never posted any response.
I am awaiting on a confirmation email re: order number 10537 placed on 12th April. Could someone from Author Support please confirm with me that my book will be at the Orlando Author Convention next month. Thanks for your time and have a nice day! :)
Wednesday at 7:09pm

Well the Barrister will be waiving our banner free of charge in Orlando at PublishAmerica's shindig.  We'll look for Debbie's book and let you know what we see.


  1. Well, I see PA still has some sleeping author's, till they run out of money!!

  2. so these authors think it's exciting to be ripped off? well then stand in a parking lot with a a handful of cash and wait a while. I went to one of PublishAmerica's book fairs recently and there were no actual books on display. There were only like laminated prop book covers. You can't tell this from their pictures and videos and PA knows it. And so all the authors pay to have their books at these events should know what they are doing. It doesn't even matter because there was no activity going on at the PA booth anyway.


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