
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nigerian scammer responding to Craigslist pet ads

i posted on here that i was in search of a small breed puppy when i got a reply stating that this lady named mary have a maltese also had pics (fake) she said she would pay for the trip to send the puppy to the states and she said she was traveling accross seas and couldnt take her pup with her because your not suppost to travel with pets from different countries so i thought she was being a nice lady to do this for me she said all i would have to pay for a traveling crate costing 80.00 so i said thats fair enough but i did some research to come to find out it was a fraud fake website telling me to pay 100.00 for crate and to send payment via western union that was another red flag to me well to make a long story short i called the real jet a pet site and she told me it was a fraud that they dont make you pay through western union you pay them direct and she said she recieved other calls about the same thing this lady mary said she was staying in camroon africa that was another red flag for me well i never sent my money on this phony web site because i kept my guard and instincts up this is a warning do not fall for people saying they will send you a puppy out of the states keep it local i told this person i was gonna report her to the authorities and i caught her in her or his lies who ever this person really was! if you have any more ??? please ask i have emails to prove to you !

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