Hiya Bogus Barrister. I have a news tip for you guys. Anybody heard of a "paranormal author" named 6regory Branson Trent? He claims to be a published author for the last 16 years. Before this evening I had never heard of him. If you Google his name you will find his numerous blogs on blogger.com.. I discovered that he stole a few articles from my news column. they are about Lady Gaga's belief in the paranormal.These have been cross posted on his numerous blogs. He plagiarizes articles and removes a sentance here and there to try to hide the real authors. He passes these off as his own writing. It certainly casts doubt upon the books that he has published and I wonder how much in these books are the works of others. Please do get the word out. I have filed notices to get my material removed. How any writer could do this to another is beyond me. I found a discussion about him on a Pagan site because I guess he wrote about Wicca. Those posters were
skeptical of him as well they should be.
This same "author" plagiarized one of my books in a his newly released book about making incense. Details here: