
Saturday, November 19, 2011

PublishAmerica Katie Couric, Oprah's successor, your book

They recently sent out some new sales gimmicks to entice their authors to buy copies of their books. This was one of them. The one they sent out before this was another Disney scam. That was sent to Disney and confirmed that it was fraudulent. ABC is owned by Disney and is being sent to the proper contacts.

They sent out several send your book to Oprah for a price gimmicks. Now that she is off the airways, Katie Couric is their new target.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 6:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: Katie Couric, Oprah's successor, your book
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: PublishAmerica Bookstore <> Date: Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:18 AM Subject: Katie Couric, Oprah's successor, your book To: 

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Dear author:
Katie Couric's new daytime

TV show
seeks to fill the void left behind by Oprah. Katie's new talkshow will air in the 3pm time slot, and her staff is currently selling advertising spots, reportedly asking $50,000 for a 30-second spot!
The media report today that the show will be a combination of news and personal stories, filmed live in New York.
The show's staff needs stories. Authors and books have always been spectacularly good stories for daytime talkshows, as Oprah has demonstrated better than anyone else.
Authors such as you, who have a compelling personal story to tell. About overcoming the odds, about perseverance, about hope and optimism. Earlier this year, Katie Couric wrote a book about exactly that. With contributions by people such as you!
We. Will. Tell. The. New. Katie. Couric. Show.
About. Your. Book!
Here's how we do it:
Go to to activate. Your book and your name will be introduced to Katie Couric's new daytime show's staff in prominent and beautiful full-color. We will strongly urge them to consider you and your book for Katie's new show when it starts airing next year. We will explain why your book and your personal story are making a difference in other people's lives, and why we believe that you and your book can inspire a nationwide audience.
Must choose a shipping option to activate. No use of coupons allowed. Mention your book title.
Thank you,
--PublishAmerica Bookstore
DISCLAIMER: PublishAmerica has no affiliation with Katie Couric, her new show, her team and/or Disney/ABC TV, and makes no claim to preferential access or other special treatment. No specific result from PublishAmerica's best efforts to represent and promote its authors and their books is suggested or guaranteed.

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