On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 4:32 PM EST PublishAmerica Bookstore wrote:>Is this email not displaying correctly?>[1]View it in your browser.>Dear author:> Links:> 1. http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a0d6d6a3715a8baccbe0fbb7c&id=8aaa45b2ea&e=9a7a3e4567>>The U.S. State Department>>wants your book.>>They promote American literature abroad.>>>We have been contacted by the _U.S. Consulate General_ in Leipzig, Germany.>They want to present our best books during the upcoming _Leipzig Book Fair_.>Last time around PublishAmerica also promoted its best books in Leipzig,>together with the American consulate.>>Activate today if you want your book to be sent to the U.S. Consul General.>>>Go to [2]www.publishamerica.net/service/StateDept.html to activate for>_$39_. Your book will upon being selected be sent to Leipzig for promotion and>display during the Leipzig Book Fair in the U.S. Consulate General's booth.>After the event it will be donated to a public or
university library. If for>whatever reason your book doesn't pass
If you think PublishAmerica will do what they say they will do then you need to wake-up and smell the B.S.