
Monday, December 5, 2011

Seattle's millionaire Welfare Recipient

So you think welfare is only for the poor? Boy, are you wrong. Investigators say Lyudmila Shimonova who lives in Lake Washington mansion valued at 1.2 million dollars. The woman's husband,Dr. David Silverstein is a chiropractor who apparently posed as her landlord so that she could collect both state and federal benefits. It's shocking that the posh address never raised a red flag. Federal agents have raided the 2400 square foot property yesterday. Neighbors have expressed shock at the news that these people are alleged to commit welfare fraud.

Federal documents show the couple currently receives over $1,200 a month in public housing vouchers, plus state and government disability checks and food stamps. They have been receiving these benefits since 2003!

The U.S. attorney's office is suing David Silverstein and Lyudmila Shimonova, accusing them of filing false claims and demanding that the couple pay back more than $135,000 in federal housing assistance that they have collected since 2003. Prosecutors are also seeking tens of thousands of dollars in fines.


  1. My mother was a banker in Chicago. There was a man that she would see every day a few blocks from the bank. He would panhandle on the street and claim to be homeless. One day she waited on him to deposit his money. He had more money in his account than most Americans will ever see in their lifetimes.

  2. A fine is a small price for someone who has money. I say stick their butts in jail or better yet, make them get out in orange jumpsuits and hold up a sign saying they are theives and have to pick up trash along the streets and feed the homeless. Also, I thought all homes have to pass an inspection before being cleared to rent to people. Wonder who that inspector was????

  3. It is true that before you can rent out a house or apartment you must obtain a CO (Certificate of Occupancy) but the welfare office doesn't check any of that. And these people weren't renting to anybody. Shimonova just put that down on her application and her husband probably wrote fictitious documentation of how much "rent" he was charging her each month.


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