
Saturday, December 3, 2011

You are that messenger PublishAmerica hopes will make them millionaires

This website is great. Imagine PublishAmerica featured on the same pages as Nigerian scammers. Have you read their letters? If so you have noticed the similarities and just like the Nigerians have no money and no intention of transfering any money to you, PublishAmerica has no intention of honoring anything they say either. Be careful about what you tell these people. They will only use that information against you,
Dear author:
You are the expert.
What is it that you do for a living? Or for a long-held hobby? If it's anything that you have spent 10,000 hours or more on over your lifetime, you're an expert.
How many is ten thousand hours? Anything you have done an average two hours a day for thirteen or more years. Anything you have done eight hours a day for between three and four years. That makes you an expert. And yes, that includes parenting.
Expertise is not so much a matter of brilliance as it is of practice. In his book Outliers, bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell discovered that only dogged practice generates expertise and success. Look it up online; he has spectacular examples.
Brendon Burchard made it to the top of the New York Times bestsellers list by making the exact same case in The Millionaire Messenger: everyone is an expert in something, and it's marketable.
For your expertise, there's a market. People want to hear about it and they want to benefit from it.
Talk to us about your particular expertise, write it down, and we will publish it. For totally free, as always.
Go to to bring your expertise to our attention. There's no charge! In the Ordering Instructions box describe your expertise in a few words. We will then contact you with helpful hints and suggestions as to how to write it down, and we'll send you a contract for your expert book.
Don't be shy about what you're good at. If it's something you have done for so long already, by now you may not even realize that it has made you an expert. Don't keep what you're really good at hidden from the world. Share it. Become other people's guiding light. With a book in your hand, written by you about your strength, you'll open totally new doors.
Thank you, expert!
--PublishAmerica Bookstore

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