
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kitten collector warning south Florida Pets Craigslist

The Bogus Barrister has another warning about another person potentially abusing free pets collected from south Florida Craigslist ads. A young woman has been using the name of Ashley. If anybody has a picture we would be glad to post it here.
She may change the name(Ashley) and she has a dark haired bf also, and they may use his nameS?

She has long dark hair and is thin and under 21, and shows up with her bf in a Black truck?

IF you have NOT do NOT give them a kitten. They go on CL and keep getting kittens, and are NOT keeping them.

She may have sold 2 kittens I had to a Animal TESTING lab OR WORSE!. The kitten WAS only 6 weeks old.

She gave me a VERBAL AGREEMENT that kitten was to come back to me IF she couldn't keep it, and said she gave it to a couple

down the street, then her grandparents, then her mother. Every time I wanted the number t WHOEVER SHE SAID HAD KITTEN, she had EXCUSES, then MOVED THE KITTEN (or she claimed)

She avoided my calls and her mailbox is full, and said her computer crashed.

She claimed to take it to be seen at PAWS2HELP in WPB, and they said they have NO RECORD of her.

ANOTHER woman emailed me from on CL and said that she ALSO gave her a kitten, and Ashley(name she gave us)


I hope they are NOT using them as snake food. We're BOTH SICK OVER THIS!

I had 2 posts up warning people and they delete them. It looks like they go on there everyday to look for FREE kittens (maybe evn puppies).

PLEASE hELP ME TO POSTS warnings. You can even copy and past this. THEY CAN NOT flag them all,

DON'T give kittens away for FREE or under $25.oo Pet REHOMING fee, to MAKE IT HARD for someone to get to sell. L
ALWAYS get their address and phone number. look at their id, or copy it. Anyobne can give you a ficticous name!

I have her photo on a security video.

OF COURSE NONE OF THIS helps the "lost" kittens. IF you want to help future kittens within her reach,..

PLEASE copy this add, and IF it gets DELETED repost it, cause she will flag it when she comes on to look for more victims.

She claimed to take it to be seen at PAWS2HELP in WPB, and said she got CAT SCRATCH FEVER from it, BUT the last name SHE GAVE me is NOT listed on the records there.

When I asked her bf to clairify her last name INSTEAD OF TELLING ME, he replied"what name did she tell you".

DON'T give kittens away for FREE or under $25.oo Pet REHOMING fee, to MAKE IT HARD for someone to get to sell.

ALWAYS look at their id, or copy it. Anyobne can give you a ficticous name! A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND words!

I have her photo on a security video.

OF COURSE NONE OF THIS helps the "lost" kittens. IF you want to help future kittens within her reach,..

PLEASE copy this add, and IF it gets DELETED repost it. IF you want to help me warn people.

Her and her BF called me THIS MORNING and were furious over my accuzations, BUT when I said you are NOT answering my questions, and we had a VERBAL AGREEMENT that you would RETURN KITTEN IF you could NOT keep it, the bf replied"that doesn't matter now-that's NOT the issue"

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