
Thursday, November 3, 2011

BIBLES PLEASE HELP Nigerian Bible Scam

from This is an example of the Nigerian Bible Scam. This email was sent to a religious organization that is not Christian and of course, does not have Bibles. In Nigeria, they sell these Bibles on the black market. A loss to the church that sends them, equates to profit for these scammers. Another thing you should be aware of is that Bibles are used in Africa to smuggle drugs out of their country. This email was a mess with no spaces between words and has been properly formatted for clarification. Spelling and capitalization errors have not been changed.
Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 6:38 PM

Dear Brethren in Christ,

I am very happy to write you this letter as I pray  and hope you will answer my writing for the holy  bibles for myself and the christian lepers that  are with me." I want to brief you little about myself. Sir i was  born to the family of a chief priest - a well  known idol worshipping family, and married to the  daughter of another such family. we had four  children, and lived their idol worshipping life  happily. Then everything changed.

My wife came  back from the city where he had gone to buy goats  for our annual festival. She came back to inform  me of his encounter with a man of GOD that told  him about Jesus Christ and it was the first time  she was hearing of that name. she also told me the man of GOD said we should accept Jesus Christ as  our only lord and personal saviour. We never really understand what it means to accept  Jesus Christ as our only lord and personal saviour  until two months later, April25,when my Wife  encountered this man of GOD again and he accompany my Wife back to the village, that he now taught us  what it means to accept Christ as our lord and  saviour. On the 10th of May, 1994, we were baptized and started our home fellowship.

It was  then that the  trouble started. The villagers including my Wife's dad abducted my  Wife and sacrificed her to their gods, and that  same night they came to our house in the middle of  the night and set our house ablaze, and I lost my  2 sons and daughter to the inferno. It was only a miracle that I managed to escape  that night with my only surviving son, but by the  time the villagers got to know about why we were  running from our village, they too planned to use  us for rituals, and they believed we are accursed  for believing in Jesus Christ. But God had a  purpose for me in life, and made one of the elders  in the village to have compassion on us and let us  escape before the day we were to be used as  sacrifices to their gods. We eventually settled in O. Leprosy Centre where  we were received with open arms. We were free from  all the disturbance as the lepers are rejected  people in our society back here. I was afraid to  preachthe gospel again as I was afraid of death.  But on October 27, 1999,God spoke to me in my  dream that I should not be afraid of death, for death is the gateway to eternity in Heaven for we  the believers...that HE preserved me and allowed  all those persecutions to happen to me so I can  serve him.... by the next day when I woke up I realise for the 4 years I have been with the  orphans, none of them have ever heard of the  gospel, and none of them knew anything about our  Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So I started to  preach the gospel of Jesus to them. Initially they refuse to listen as they believed  nobody loves or care about them and that Jesus I  talk about is no different. But after much  preaching and praying for six months, I was able  to convert 10 of them for Jesus Christ.

Today I am  happy to say we are 163 in number, and we now have  a church that is called Ugbelilighe Leper Community Bible Church  We have been serving and doing the work of GOD diligently even with all the hardship and untold  neglect from the members of the larger society. We  don't even have a church building, and we use under trees for our worship and services, but our  major problem is the holy bible for 20 Elders in  the Church and they are old and they can only read  the GIANT PRINT BIBLES.Please do send us the Giant Print Bibles as soon as possible so that Souls  will have God's Word to study. May God Bless you For the work you do for the  cause of the kingdom In Christ.

Evangelist Baroody Najwa Raja

Ugbelilighe Leper Community Bible Church
19E Ugbelilighe Avenue GOP-Uje 8950 , Benin City, Edo State , Nigeria.

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