
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tatyana's blog

Tatyana's blog has now been deleted for her safety. The information has all been archived and prepared for the authorities. Makes me wonder how many "reputation points" this cyber bully will get from Absolute Write for putting this girl through so much over a damned article.


  1. makes no sense to me. If this were their kid they wouldn't like it one bit. How is Tatyana doing?

  2. She is doing as best she can under the circumstances. People haven't put the pitch forks down yet. We sent a letter to Google on her behalf with what we know about what happened and we urged Google to delete the web cache. Google will not let her re-register that blog but she did get another one and that is set to private so that she and her friends can have their privacy without these disturbed people spying on them. That person on the Absolute Write forum who came here and said that he was an employee of Publish America sent her an email yesterday saying that they had information about the company for her. She never wrote a single word about this printing company and I'm not sure why this person thought that she would be concerned about it.

  3. I wouldn't want the Geritol club sticking their noses in my blog either. Remember when we were sixteen we thought our parents were so uncool. Why did they post this cache? Because they knew the content was removed and the kid wanted her privacy. Nothing but a bunch of bullies.

  4. I see that "Victoria Strauss" made a recent comment on Absolute Write making the statment that "You can't avoid service forever" which is true. However even if you were granted a judgment on a fictitious name what would be the point? Sinthyia Darkness would be that fictional name. The law states that court documents must have the plaintiff or defendant's legal name on them.

  5. For a website that is supposed to be so against this publisher they have people there who sure do side with that company. I see a lot of laughing going on at the people who fell victim while at the same time they say we don't make fun of these authors. Victoria keeps making the allegation of this evasion of service but that's all speculation. How can you serve an alias? You can't do it and to get a judgment against the name of an alias what purpose would it serve? I did look up the court case that they are talking about. You must pay to view the filings. Now it says that the attorney filed aervice just before Christmas but the judge has yet to accept it. If this judge allows alternative service by email it will set a precedent.

  6. let me play devil's advocate here. If Sinthyia just chose to walk away I wouldn't blame her. Would you? Look at what we have witnessed with Tatyana. That bullying could only have been a thousand times worse for Sinthyia and we don't know how old they are either. Could be another kid on the Internet. Some of the reports have said 24. We also know that whatever is going on that this person did not fake their death. Our source from said that the profiles had been hacked.

  7. Yep. if they were trying to sue Brazen Blogger, Mister Giggles, Squidward Q or Chester Drawers none of us would step forward. I know that I wouldn't. Would be a very foolish and dangerous thing to do.

  8. yes not only has her Examiner account been hacked but email accounts also. Her blog has been hijacked by someone who looks like a spammer. Somebody usre is going through a lot of trouble to get her completely off the Internet. The only ones who would do that are those who have something to hide.


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