
Monday, January 2, 2012

President Signs Bill to allow detention of American Citizens

That is right folks, and we brought it on ourselves.
The Senate voted 9 to 1, and the House almost unanimously to pass a measure in the National Defense Authorization bill for 2012 (NDAA) that NOW, TODAY, gives the US MILITARY the authortity to arrest any American, on American soil, ON SUSPICIAN of 'supporting a terrorist group' or 'BELIGERENCE OF THE US GOVERNMENT'. The arrest is decided on by an unseen member of the US Military BY the US Military, without charges being filed or heard, any writ of Habius Corpus, any possibility of bail, any hearings, any legal representation or ANY TRIAL, and the member of We the
People who is arrested is done so INDEFINATELY.
This was just signed by the President. It is a bi-partisan plan, with just about every member of the 368 'politicians' on Capitol Hill and the Oval Office voting for it.
People, the Bill of Rights has just been shreaded. As George Bush said, it is just a 'GD piece of paper' now.
Welcome to 2012.
BTW...according to Dr Ron Paul, 'support of a terrorist organization' included going to a web site judged and deemed to be 'sympathetic to terrorist cause' EVEN ONE TIME.
Beligerance of the US Government? Well, that means just about ANY complaint or criticism of it.
Did you know about this? Did you do anything? Does ANYONE in America CARE?
I don't see it except for isolated cases where individuals speak out.
That is the news folks, and MAYBE we deserve this. After all, WE let it happen.
PS. My advice? Be prepared to either fight, fly or be arrested. the Nazis did it to the Jews, priests, nuns, gypsies and any 'anti-nazis' and We the People are letting the neocons and Powers that Be do it to us.
History repeats itself.
so watch what you say online from now on. They can read your email, youir mail, listen in on your calls, bug your homes and you did nothing about that.
NOW they can take you away for the things you think and say and do to protect your Liberties.
I hope you like Martial Law. It is now the Law of the Land.
All done quietly, with almost zero news coverage, without any protest, and almost unanimously.
Just wait to see what happens in spring 2012 when the Occupy Movement starts up again.
And to all those who died for our once Great Nation, from 1776 until Dec 31 2011, I am sorry to the depths of my soul. For my part, I failed you. You died in vain.
Now, Watch this video and read this ABC News article.
gty president obama nt 111223 wblog With Reservations, Obama Signs Act to Allow Detention of Citizens

Alex Wong/Getty Images

In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key provisions in the law — including a controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge.
The legislation has drawn severe criticism from civil liberties groups, many Democrats, along with Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, who called it "a slip into tyranny." Recently two retired four-star Marine generals called on the president to veto the bill in a New York Times op-ed, deeming it "misguided and unnecessary."
"Due process would be a thing of the past," wrote Gens Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar. "Current law empowers the military to detain people caught on the battlefield, but this provision would expand the battlefield to include the United States – and hand Osama bin Laden an unearned victory long after his well-earned demise."
The president defended his action, writing that he signed the act, "chiefly because it authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, crucial services for service members and their families, and vital national security programs that must be renewed."
Senior administration officials, who asked not to be named, told ABC News, "The president strongly believes that to detain American citizens in military custody infinitely without trial, would be a break with our traditions and values as a nation, and wants to make sure that any type of authorization coming from congress, complies with our Constitution, our rules of war and any applicable laws."
One official explained that President Obama does believe, however, that American citizens can be temporarily detained, and that the military has the right to capture and hold any citizen who is engaged in conflict against the United States. If various provisions in the law prove unworkable, the president could go back to Congress to ask for changes.
"The president is going to adhere to the policies that he has held over the last three years, making sure that none of these congressional provisions impede the ability of the counterterrorism and military professional from keeping the country safe," the official said.


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